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Marketing PT. Smart Multi Finance Jayapura (Papua)IDR 4,000,000 - 5,500,000
Mengikuti serangkaian progam pelaithan yang diberikan perusahaan Mamastikan target yang diberikan tercapai Mengelola anggota tim Memberikan masukan hingga improvement untuk meningkatkan pencapaian Cabang
Admin Keuangan PT. Domo Manajemen Grup Jayapura (Papua)IDR 3,000,000 - 4,000,000
Melakukan pengecekan dan verifikasi inputan transaksi penjualan dan pembelian Menginput transaksi pemasukan dan pengeluaran kas dan bank Pengecekan Stock Opname Rekonsiliasi Bank Report keuangan harian dan bulanan Melakukan pengecekan jurnal sesuai dengan COA yang benar
Product Specialist Marketing PT. Endo Indonesia Jayapura (Papua)
Melakukan kunjungan / follow up serta menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan (pihak Rumah Sakit / Klinik / Puskesmas dan / Dinas Kesehatan) Bertanggung jawab untuk menawarkan dan memberikan informasi terkait produk kepada pelanggan Bertanggung jawab atas target penjualan yang telah ditentukan oleh PT ENDO Indonesia Bertanggung jawab atas penagihan dan pembayaran atas penjualan yang dilakukan
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Security Warehouse Ninja Xpress Jayapura (Papua)
Menjaga keamanan logistik /gudang Melakukan kontrol terhadap kendaraan yang keluar/masuk gudang Melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap keluar masuknya karyawan/tamu Mengontrol area gudang pada waktu yang sudah ditentukan Membuat laporan absen security Membuat laporan bulanan keamanan
/ SECURITY OFFICERabout 3 years ago
Security PT. Smart, Tbk Jayapura (Papua)
Be responsible for ensuring that all security measures have performed their duties in accordance with established procedures. Ensure the creation of situations and conditions safe at all stages of the activities of the garden operations in particular and social activities of the community in general. Identify in advance individual actions / activities / specific groups that have potential to become Threats, Disruptions, Constraints and Challenges (AGHT) that will disrupt the operation of the garden. Review draft security implementation plan made by Kanitpam (schedule, route and target) according to existing AGHT identification. Conducting weekly evaluation of the implementation of security, provide guidance to security devices in every garden on a regular basis and rotate. Ensure the passage of security measures against the assets of the company and the management of the plantation / plant so that the Operational Division can run the production activities smoothly.
/ SECURITY OFFICERabout 3 years ago
Driver PT. Mora Telematika Indonesia Jayapura (Papua)
Bertanggung Jawab Atas Keselamatan Penumpang dan Mobil Memahami Peraturan Lalu Lintas Melakukan bongkar muat barang Menjaga Kebersihan Mobil Mengecek kendaraan dan melakukan maintenance ringan kendaraan
/ DRIVERabout 3 years ago
Security PT. Smart, Tbk Jayapura (Papua)
Be responsible for ensuring that all security measures have performed their duties in accordance with established procedures. Ensure the creation of situations and conditions safe at all stages of the activities of the garden operations in particular and social activities of the community in general. Identify in advance individual actions / activities / specific groups that have potential to become Threats, Disruptions, Constraints and Challenges (AGHT) that will disrupt the operation of the garden. Review draft security implementation plan made by Kanitpam (schedule, route and target) according to existing AGHT identification. Conducting weekly evaluation of the implementation of security, provide guidance to security devices in every garden on a regular basis and rotate. Ensure the passage of security measures against the assets of the company and the management of the plantation / plant so that the Operational Division can run the production activities smoothly.
/ SECURITY OFFICERabout 3 years ago
Driver CV. AL MADINA (AMDK) Jayapura (Papua)
Bekerja mengoperasikan usaha Air Minum dalam kemasan dengan mengantarkannya ke warung-warung mitra
/ DRIVERabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago