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Hasil Pencarian
STAF JUNIOR MARKETING PT. Efrat Tur Jakarta (Jakarta)
- Melakukan perjanjian bertemu dengan klien - Mengatur data-data klien - Mempromosikan produk wisata dan promo tour kepada klien - Menghandle klien secara online maupun offline - Menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan klien
PRAMUNIAGA (EVENT) PT. Pongs Indonesia Jakarta (Jakarta)
Melaksanakan kegiatan penjualan selama event berlangsung Memastikan semua produk sudah sesuai dengan harga yang tertera pada sistem Perapihan barang jual
GENERAL AFFAIR PT. Ricky putra globalindo, Tbk Jakarta (Jakarta)
Sebagai perwakilan perusahaan untuk menjalin hubungan baik kepada pihak eksternal seperti pihak pemda, Pemkab, Kecamatan, Kepolisan, Muspika dan lain-lain. Memenuhi semua kebutuhan operasional pada internal perusahaan,seperti penyediaan ATK untuk karyawan, pengajuan perawatan kendaraan dan lain-lain. Menjaga,mendata dan merawat seluruh asset perusahaan. Pengurusan dokumen-dokumen untuk kepentingan internal perusahaan, seperti pegurusan izin perpanjangan kerja karyawan warga negara asing di Imigrasi.
STAFF ADMIN( DIVISI UNDERWRITING) PT. Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia, Tbk Jakarta (Jakarta)
Membantu administrasi underwriting Membantu proses data nasabah Membantu membuat laporan harian maupun bulanan yang di butuhkan
PHP PROGRAMMER PT Triple One Global Jakarta (Jakarta)
Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product and databases to ensure strong optimization and functionality Develop and deploy new features to facilitate related procedures and tools if necessary Support establishing scope of work along with timelines for different technology projects Involve in systems evaluation and design efforts related to user interfaces
Crewing Executive PT. Container Maritime Activities Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta)
To strictly follow all Company procedures, guidelines and mandatory regulations and any special requests from the Client. To be in charge of the quality of the line-up on the vessels in the portfolio – maximum of up to twelve vessels. To ensure a proactive communication with the vessels, the Recruitment and Placement Service and the Responsible Operations. To prepare an Exemption Request Form related to dedicated vessels and obtain Crewing Manager – Team Leader’s validation. To be in charge of junior officers and ratings planning in the assigned pool, prepared by the Recruitment and Placement Service. To validate or reject in the system junior officers and ratings lined up by the Recruitment and Placement Service depending on their suitability. If approved and delegated by a Crewing Manager – Team Leader, to validate or reject in the system senior officers lined up by the Recruitment and Placement Service depending on their suitability - following required validation by the Client (applicable only to top 2 Senior Officers). To manage vessels’ safe manning crew complement basis the approval and agreement with the Client, including reduced crew headcount upon obtaining by the Client all necessary exemptions. To propose, in case of an emergency relief, a replacement of a seafarer to be reviewed and validated by the Crewing Manager – Team Leader / COO if required. To validate promotions of ratings except for cadets’ promotions. To prepare a transfer / exit plan for a vessel changing a nationality allocation or leaving the Company as well as prepare a relief plan for any specific projects as requested by the Client. To ensure that prior approving a seafarer to re-join a vessel his / her latest appraisal has been entered into the Company database and verify whether the appraisal score and comments permits the Seafarer to be re-hired. To monitor whether that all required crew records have been entered correctly and in a timely manner in the Company database. To manage all communication between vessels, the Client and Recruitment and Placement Services regarding crewing matters. To ensure that Riding Squad members / any additional seafarers are in compliance with the Client’s request and appropriately reported for invoicing. To review Seafarers’ Employment Agreements and POEA contracts as well as save them in the software. To be available 24/7 when Duty Officer in case of an emergency call and to record every emergency call. To check and pre-approve the non-wage crew costs, mustering expenses or shorthand bonus invoices. To update vessel’s visit log book and prepare a vessel’s visit report after visiting a vessel. To ensure that the Crewing Manager / Team Leader is always kept updated and fully informed about all exceptional cases. To perform ad hoc tasks as requested by the Crewing Manager / Team Leader.
/ ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVEsekitar 2 bulan lalu