Company Overview
Alodokter is the #1 health super apps in Indonesia. Launched in 2014, Alodokter brings high-quality medical services to its 20 million monthly active users by providing an integrated mobile solutions for patients and doctors.
We empower patients and doctors with better knowledge to help them take better decisions:
• More than 300K monthly chats between doctors and our 500+ doctors in our mobile app
• Largest online booking of doctors and hospitals platform in Indonesia
• Most complete medical content database for patients and doctors in Indonesia
We believe that medical knowledge can help people take better decision for their personal and family health.
Why join us?
Mari bergabung dengan Alodokter dan menjadi bagian dalam membentuk masa depan kesehatan Indonesia yang lebih baik. Dengan bekerja di Alodokter, anda memiliki kesempatan untuk memiliki pekerjaan yang bermakna karena Alodoktor telah membantu jutaan orang membuat keputusan yang lebih baik terkait kesehatan mereka.
Company Snapshot
Perawatan Kesehatan
monday - friday