PT. Garda Bhakti Nusantara
Company Overview
PT. Garda Bhakti Nusantara - Security Services was established in 2007 after 10 years in charge and become the security management company for various types of business units incorporated in our business group. With diverse experiences in prevention, anticipation, completion the solutions to various security problems and developing the concept of security management for various type of business activities, both within our business group and other clients of PT. Garda Bhakti Nusantara.
Why join us?
We take pride in our strong team culture - one of mutual trust, learning, sharing, care, willingness, cooperation and concern. This includes providing a conducive, family-friendly work environment that enhances our staff's professional and personal growth. We are seeking for highly motivated, dynamic, independent individuals and disciplined person who willing to come forward and can work independently and team work and be one of our great team
Company Snapshot
Jasa Pengamanan
monday - friday